Saturday, 22 June 2013

Space Elfs? Space Elfs.

So, who likes space elves? I know I do. These are the last set of photos from my shoot with my good photographer, so after this its back to my own terrible work! I mostly used a mix of layering using glaze medium as an extra thinner on these guys. Also quite a bit of edge highlighting and some wet-on-wet blending. Pretty awesome results anyway :D

Easily my favourite unit in the army so far.

Saturday, 15 June 2013

MERCS House 9

I actually finished these guys a couple of months ago, but when I had my good photographer kidnapped I managed to get her to do up a few photos of them!

House Member:

 Chemical Engineer:

Monday, 10 June 2013

Skorne no more!

So my poor readers no longer need to worry that my Skorne commission is going to delay my blog posts infinitely. Don't worry though, I'm pretty sure I can find some other terrible reason to be lazy and unproductive!

So, without further rambling, the last chapter in me painting Skorne:

Aptimus Marketh!

And the whole pile of villainous wretches preparing to bring their oppressive rule to the peoples of Western Immoren:

Saturday, 1 June 2013

A longer wait.

Sorry everyone, I haven't managed to post a whole lot of late, chiefly because I haven't felt interested in taking photos of my ongoing layering/highlighting of my Skorne commission. On the up side I am now finished all but one of the 21 miniatures which comprised  the commission and so I hit up a friend of mine who excels at photography to help me document the wee wretches.

First up Skorne Nihilators; a squad leader and one of each pose of mook:

Followed by the same arrangement of slingers!

And finally a work in progress of the final fellow:

Monday, 15 April 2013

Scorning the Skorne

Well, the commission progresses a pace, although it doesn't make for particularly brilliant photos since batch painting 20 models doesn't precisely create the visual masterpiece right off. That said I am making progress and I lined em up behind one-another to give a clue to how many of these little blighters there are.

Skorne Slingers:
 Skorne Slinger Leader:
 Close up of a work in progress slinger:
 The Nihilator leader is in better shape:
 And just for fun a couple of things that will eventually become armies in their own right!
Eldar Void Dragon Corsair Hemlock Escort: (base work is done!)
 ATuareg themed Haradrim from GW's LotR range. Super happy with this guy.
Back to Skorne I go!

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Long waits are occasionally worthwhile?

I've been stupidly busy over the last week, and fairly sick for the last few days so I'll have to ask you to forgive my slow delivery of new photos.

 I've also had some criticism about my photos, so I've tried to step my game up beyond the use of my cellphone camera. These were taken with my point and shoot, a bipod, and my shitty lightbox. Honestly, I'm not actually sure that these photos are any better, but here they are none the less!

First up some work in progress Skorne for that commission I mentioned. I'm pretty happy with the progress so far, but I'm not done!

Next up is a Forge World Venerable Dreadnaught dubbed Venerable Paulus in honor of a good friend.