Thursday, 14 March 2013

Weapons online. Sensors online. All systems nominal.

So the campaign organizer for our Golden Century games challenged me to drybrush my star's armour, detail them nicely, and get them table ready by tomorrow night to fight a trial of posession with his star of Wolves. I think the armour came out pretty well all told. Detailing isn't finished but here they are none the less.

One, Two, Three:

Four, Five:
Also some proof that I am working on Skorne, and that they look cool. Yeah, its not a good photo but its 1:08 am!

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Gather the War Host.

So I'm definitely late posting this update. By almost a week actually, but it does have a few good things in it I hope. First up, I want to apologize to whomever suggested that I build a light box; I absolutely should go do that right now before I post this. Instead I'm going to post more substandard photos before I go sleep, but I will get one built soon I promise!

As to the quite relevant question as to what techniques I use when I'm painting my models: Every single one I've ever tried has ended up having a place in my painter's toolbox. On most models I use a mix of wet-on-dry blending, glazing, edge highlighting, and washing. I'm mostly using wet-on-wet blending on larger models at the moment, simply because I'm still learning how to do it effectively. If you ever have any questions as to what I've done with a specific model I will happily answer them, but for now this is more about making me post photos of my work than it is about writing tutorials on specific techniques. Baby steps :D. Like I said though I'm all-together willing to do tutorials on techniques or on what I've done with a given model.

So, on to the good bits, the models for this week (and last week!)

First up, that lance of mechs is now primed, and based! (actually they are also partly washed but you have to wait for that :D
And I've finally finished up 9/10 of a squad of dire avengers that I've been working on off and on for months:
Three More:
And the last three:
I've also gotten a decent bit of work done on that rather large Skorne commission I mentioned. Re-primed them last week, and have begun doing the base colours on a unit of 10 Nihilators, who are extremely fun to work on so far. Photos of them once the base colours are down on the robes (I've got the flesh based and washed).

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Clan Nova Cat Production Facilities Online

So this week I've been continuing to paint a number of things at once. One of which you don't get to see until they are finished properly, sometime around Thursday I'm expecting. In the meanwhile here is another wip of that test seaguard who is getting layers as the other stuff dries:
Unrelated to my oft-neglected High Elves, I have begun (and completed) construction of a star of Clan Nova Cat battlemechs which I will be using for a local campaign set in the Golden Century of the clans.
Pictured above you can see (from left to right in the front row) a Coyotl A, a Griffin IIC, a Shadowhawk IIC and (in the back) a Clint IIC and a Hunchback IIC.