Sunday 3 March 2013

Clan Nova Cat Production Facilities Online

So this week I've been continuing to paint a number of things at once. One of which you don't get to see until they are finished properly, sometime around Thursday I'm expecting. In the meanwhile here is another wip of that test seaguard who is getting layers as the other stuff dries:
Unrelated to my oft-neglected High Elves, I have begun (and completed) construction of a star of Clan Nova Cat battlemechs which I will be using for a local campaign set in the Golden Century of the clans.
Pictured above you can see (from left to right in the front row) a Coyotl A, a Griffin IIC, a Shadowhawk IIC and (in the back) a Clint IIC and a Hunchback IIC.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice! Enjoying the pics, maybe you should whip up a light tent. It only takes about 30 min to make one, and it'd help you get great pics.

    Also, what techniques are you using on these figures?

  3. That seaguard looks great. The shaded white is outstanding! :)
